The GenOMICC Study

We worked with the Genomicc team to script an animation that helps members of the public understand the science behind the study and the benefits of taking part.

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GenOMICC is a research study led by the University of Edinburgh’s Pandemic Science Hub, bringing together clinicians and scientists from around the world to find the genetic factors that determine our responses to infectious diseases.

While many cases are mild, some people become very unwell and find themselves in intensive care. Genomicc aims to find the genes that cause this and uses this knowledge to develop better treatments for patients in the future.

“The video has been rolled out to our sites across the UK and was very well received. Sites loved the simple message and imagery and were very positive about the video, which was fantastic to hear. It also looks great on our website.”

Fiona Griffiths, Study Coordinator and manager

We ran a discovery workshop that included a draft script and potential animation directions. We used a process of co-design and design development to create the final storyboard and illustrated this in detail before final production.

“We are really happy with the final product and learned a lot in the process of making this. We felt very supported doing something that was new to us and much trickier than we realised! I am certain we will collaborate again.”

Fiona Griffiths, Study Coordinator and manager

Next steps

The team will be distributing the animation via their networks to ensure that many more people learn about their work and sign up to support the research.

We continue to support the team through the wider pandemic science hub design and will be developing digital communications and additional videos in the future.

If you’d like to explain complex science and health research using creative co-design please get in touch.

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