Merging Minds and Machines – Animation for Next Generation Neural Interfaces Lab at Imperial College London

Would you connect your brain to the internet? In the not too distant future you might be able to. But how is that even possible? We have been collaborating with the Next Generation Neural Interface (NGNI) team at Imperial College to help them to communicate their research to a wider audience at this year’s Royal Society Summer Science.

‘Developing this video with the Design Science team has been great. They have kept us involved with every step of the process, have been very accommodating with all of our requests and have helped us create a video we’re most proud of.’

Francesca Troiani, NGNI Lab Researcher, Imperial College

What we did

We helped the team to develop a script and storyboard which we then visualised with help from illustrator David Biskup before producing a short animated video.

The video helps the audience understand how our brains work, what neural interfaces are and how they connect to our brains.

It explains the difference between external and internal neural interfaces, how they help people overcome a variety of health and disability problems and how these interfaces might help even more complex health and communication challenges.

We also worked with the team at Imperial to communicate the ethical issues associated with neural interfaces, so audiences understand how they can be developed with people and society’s long term wellbeing at their heart.

If you’d like to work together to communicate an important health, science or educational challenge do get in touch.