Publication for UCL’s Institute of Immunity and Transplantation Pears Building

We edited and designed this printed publication to communicate UCL’s Institute of Immunity and Transplantation’s (IIT’s) progress in developing revolutionary new treatments for conditions such as cancer, HIV and diabetes.

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The publication communicates research by some of the world’s leading scientists who will be working at the IIT’s new Pears Building in North London, due to be competed in 2020.


The brochure is visually led with eye catching, easy to interpret graphics.

Target audiences

The publication communicates with professional peers and patients by including texts by each describing how the IIT has and will impact on their work and lives.

Double page spreads with ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos help to reassure local communities of the positive impact that the new Pears Building will have on the surrounding environment.

Editorial design 

We devised the structure and edited the text to ensure it clearly communicate to specialist as well as non-specialist audiences.The visuals and pull-out display quotes help draw attention to key points for readers who may not engage with the full text.

The patient stories alongside clinicians’ accounts reinforce how the IIT is about ‘translational research’, encouraging and facilitating collaboration between researchers, doctors, nurses and patients.

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