We are a team of designers, writers and technologists working with associates from science, health and education. 

Education consultant

Kevin’s research covers mobile and pervasive technologies, anthropology, and interaction design. As well as a Visiting Fellow at London Knowledge Lab, he is Head of the new Information Experience Design programme at the Royal College of Art. Twitter @Kevin7

Recent research projects include:

Happenstance2012, Spike Island, Caper, University of WarwickAimed to bring computational thinking, agile methodology, physical computing & arts analytics to a diverse arts organisation.The Silent Network2011, UAL, British Library

Investigated ways to visualise knowledge and support collaboration and interactions in the Library.

Re-designing airport security2011, UAL, CPNIExplored technology, communications, and design of the security checkpoint.

Designing With Intent: lnfluencing behaviour in transitional spaces2010–11, University of the Arts (UAL), Kings College London, Ministry of Defence.e-Science Usability2007–9, London Knowledge Lab (LKL(, Sussex, Nottingham

Developing e-science communities using mobile and sensor technologies, photo stories.Designing for Technology-Enhanced Learning in Museums2007, Intermedia Oslo, LKL, Limerick, Umea.

Village e-Science for Life2006–9, LKL, Imperial College London, Leeds, Bradford, University of Nairobi.Pedagogical Planner for Learning Analysis and Design2006–8, LKL, Oxford, London Met.

Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning2004–7, 80 partners led by LKL and CNRS, FR.Visitor-constructed museum trails2003–10, PhD research.
